Vaccine Blockchain Platform

Vaccine Blockchain Platform-Architecture Diagram

Taiwan's influenza vaccine management has always relied on the CDC influenza vaccine management system IVIS (Vaccine Inventory and Vaccination Quantity Reporting System) and the national vaccination information management system NIIS (Vaccine Inventory and Vaccination Record Reporting System) for management, resulting in information out of sync. The New Taipei City Government began to establish its "New Taipei City Influenza Vaccine Management Blockchain System" in 2020iOn, which was built by iOne Information Technology, which was officially launched in December 2020 and fully implemented in New Taipei City in October 2021. After the New Taipei Influenza Vaccine Management Blockchain System is launched, the New Taipei Municipal Health Bureau and its subordinate health centers and contract hospitals can manage information such as vaccine real-time inventory and vaccination records on the same platform, and all operations are uploaded to the IVIS and NIIS systems synchronously after being on the chain, and these data are stored in the blockchain, and the data will not be tampered with. Already solved the problem of unsynchronized reconciliation of information on different platforms in the past. This influenza vaccine blockchain management platform is a supply chain blockchain management platform, and all kinds of vaccines such as children's vaccines and Covid-19 can operate on this platform. According to the regulations of the US DSCSA and GDP of Taiwan CDC, such as pharmaceutical, medical equipment and other supply chains, from production, distribution, to end users, each link of the information needs to be controllable, traceable, not tampered with, that is, B2B2B2C can run on the platform in the future.

According to the regulations of the US DSCSA and GDP of Taiwan CDC, such as pharmaceutical, medical equipment and other supply chains, from production, distribution, to end users, each link of the information needs to be controllable, traceable, not tampered with, that is, B2B2B2C can run on the platform in the future.